Oct 27, 2021
This is part 6 of our current series on Revelation - The Apocalypse of Jesus to John - "Sevens" and the Way Jesus Brings His Kingdom
Jesus completely fulfills what is needed to bring his kingdom into fulfillment across the "Day of Salvation" - but it isn't a power play like the kingdoms of this world!
Oct 20, 2021
This is part 5 of our new series on Revelation - The Apocalypse of Jesus to John - Who Can Fix This Mess?
The world is a mess! But who is worthy - capable - wise enough - good enough - to make things right? Who can be given the title to the entire world and not make things even worse? Who is worthy?
Oct 16, 2021
This is part 4 of our new series on Revelation - The Apocalypse of Jesus to John - Letters to Churches. John writes to seven churches - a number symbolizing completeness. What would he write to a random set of seven churches today?
Oct 8, 2021
This is part 3 of our new series on Revelation - The Apocalypse of Jesus to John - What must soon take place. Just what is "soon," anyway?